(843) 448-9977

Pre-Op, & Recovery

Step by Step

Going through a new procedure can seem quite intimidating at first, however, we will help you understand the entire process so that you will feel comfortable knowing exactly what to expect. We will work to provide you the most information as possible about how each procedure works before, during, and after.

Pre–Surgical Care Instructions

Undergoing cosmetic surgery can be an exciting prospect, full of potential for changes that bring you closer to your aesthetic ideals. One of the most important ways to ensure that you have to best results possible is with thorough preparation for your recovery.

A few weeks before surgery, you will come to the office for a pre-operative appointment. At that appointment, we will discuss your upcoming procedure in detail, and tell you everything you need to know. The day prior to your scheduled surgery, our office will contact you to discuss final items of importance regarding your upcoming procedure. We request that you avoid wearing jewelry, makeup, or contacts. Loose, comfortable clothing that you do not need to pull over your head is advised, and long hair is to be tied up.


After performing body contouring procedures, patients are required to wear a compression garment. Depending on the procedure, it is suggested that the garments are worn for up to 6 weeks after the surgery. Not only are they the key to optimal results, but they also make the post-operative experience a lot easier.

A compression garment adds external pressure to your body in the area where the incisions have been made. This keeps swelling down, reduces the formation of bruises, and helps keep the blood circulation in your body.

Consultation and Procedure

  • Non-Surgical Facial Recontouring

    Non-surgical facelifts can be accomplished in a single office visit. You will have a thorough consultation with Board Certified Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Steven White, or one of our trained, certified nurse injectors, Jessica or Jazzmyn. During your consult, we will review your past medical history, any known allergies, previous facial treatments, and discuss your facial concerns and treatment goals. The whole visit including treatment will take about an hour.

  • Surgery Goals

    If you are considering this procedure, you can either come into the office for a consultation with Dr. White or upload photos to a secure patient portal for review by our experience Patient Care Coordinator. Your initial exam and consultation will discuss what you want to achieve in sizing and shape for your breasts. We will review:

  • Medical History
  • Implant Sizing
  • Any Risks and Side Effects
  • What to Expect

    Your breast augmentation surgery is an out-patient procedure. After your consultation and examination, Dr. White will be able to estimate the length of time that you can expect your procedure to take. Dr. White will take his time to make sure that your results are beautiful and meet your expectations, although there are no guarantees.

  • Compare and Contrast

    As part of the process, Dr. White will give you the opportunity to look at photographs of his former patients to view some of his earlier work so that you can see for yourself what to expect if he performs your breast augmentation. He will also discuss with you is any additional procedures, such as a breast lift, fat grafting, etc., are suggested to accomplish your goals. He will let you know what you can expect from your breast augmentation. Call us today to schedule your consultation with top plastic surgeon, Dr. Steven White! He has earned a reputation as providing some of the best breast augmentations in Myrtle Beach and the Eastern Carolinas.

  • Same day

    You will be closely monitored and cared for in our surgery center until you are ready to go home. You will need someone to drive you home and help you for the first 24 hours after your surgery. When you arrive home, it is important to lie down and rest with pillows to support your back and arms. Make sure that your medications are within easy reach, and have ice packs available to place over your breasts.

  • First week

    Your breasts will be supported by a surgical bra and/or bandages during the first few days after your surgery. You will need to leave this on and avoid taking a shower for a few days. You should get lots of rest, and lift nothing over 10 pounds. When you are not resting, you may walk and stretch around your house if you are feeling up to it, but do not do any other form of exercise. At your first post-op visit, we will remove your dressings so that you will be able to see your new breasts for the first time! There may be some bruising and swelling, however this is both normal and expected. Your implants may sit higher on your chest during this time but they will settle into place in just a few weeks.

  • Ten days

    Many patients return to work after about a week to 10 days. You will need to wear the compression bra exactly as directed, so that your breasts will heal properly and the implant placement will remain correct. You will want to continue to limit your exercise and lifting for the next few weeks in order to ensure the safest recovery.

  • 6 Weeks

    You will likely be almost fully recovered at around six weeks post-procedure. You should be doing most of what you enjoyed doing before your breast enhancement surgery at this point.

  • Surgery Goals

    If you are considering this procedure, please schedule a time to come in for a consultation with Dr. White. Your initial exam and consultation will take about an hour. In your consultation, Dr. White will:

  • Listen to what you would like to achieve with your surgery
  • Perform a quick but thorough examination
  • Tell you what he recommends and why
  • Make sure that any questions you have are completely answered

As part of the process, Dr. White will give you the opportunity to view photographs of his patients, looking at his earlier work, so that you can see for yourself what to expect if he performs your breast reduction surgery. He will discuss with you the results that you can expect from your breast reduction. It is important that you and your doctor agree on the aesthetics and mechanics of your surgery in order to obtain the best results. Call us today to schedule your consultation with top plastic surgeon, Dr. Steven White, who has earned a reputation as providing some of the best breast reductions in Myrtle Beach and the Eastern Carolinas.

  • What to Expect

    Your breast reduction surgery is an out-patient procedure, but it is not a minor surgery. After your initial consultation and examination at our office in Myrtle Beach, Dr. White will be able to estimate the length of time that you can expect your procedure to take. Dr. White will want to take his time to make sure that your breast reduction results are beautiful and consistent with your expectations. During a breast reduction procedure, your nipple and areola moves upward due to the reduction. Dr. White will reshape the skin to contour your smaller breast. He may also use liposuction to remove some of the fatty tissue near your armpit before closing. Your surgery will be performed while you are under a general anesthetic. You and Dr. White will select the technique that is right for you. Breast reduction surgery can be done in different ways, and Dr. White will want to be sure to choose the best technique for your surgery. These are the two main procedures:

    • Short Scar Reduction

      This technique requires an incision around the nipple and down the middle of the breast. There is usually minimal scarring.

    • Anchor Incision

      This is a more traditional method and utilizes an incision in the shape of an anchor. The incision travels along the breast crease creating more scars than the Short Scar Reduction. This is the most invasive breast reduction procedure.

  • Same day

    You will be closely monitored and cared for in our surgery center until you are ready to go home. You’ll need someone to drive you home and help you for the first 24 hours after your surgery. When you arrive home, it’s important to lie down and rest with pillows to support your back and arms. Make sure that your medications are within easy reach, and have ice packs available to place over your breasts.

  • First Week

    You should expect about 1-3 days of chest discomfort. Some bruising and swelling is normal and expected. Your breasts will settle into place in a few weeks and most patients are able to return to work in 5-7 days.

  • Six Weeks

    You will need to continue to avoid strenuous exercise during this time while you are still healing. Dr. White will want to see you again for a follow-up to check on your progress.

  • 9-12 Months

    You’ll look and feel great! Any swelling and bruising should be gone, and your scars will be healing nicely and easily concealed. You should be enjoying your new, smaller and lighter breasts and all of the benefits they bring including fitting better into your clothing and enjoying a more active lifestyle.

  • Surgery Goals

    If you are considering this procedure, please schedule a time to come in for a consultation with Dr. White. You can expect your initial exam and consultation to take an hour or more. In your consultation, Dr. White will:

  • Listen to what you’d like to achieve with your surgery
  • Perform a quick but thorough examination
  • Tell you what he recommends and why
  • Make sure that any questions you have are completely answered

As part of the process, Dr. White will give you the opportunity to view photographs of his patients, looking at his earlier work, so that you can see for yourself what to expect if he performs your breast lift surgery.

He will discuss with you the shape of breasts that you desire, the possible surgical techniques for your breast lift, and how your frame, height and other features affect your choices. He will let you know the results you can expect from your surgery. It is important that you and Dr. White agree on the aesthetics and mechanics of your surgery in order to obtain the results that you want. Call us today to schedule your consultation with one of the top breast lift surgeons in Northeastern South Carolina, Dr Steven White, who has earned a reputation as providing some of the best breast surgeries in Myrtle Beach & the Carolinas.

  • We’re here to work with you

    The goal is to raise the nipples and tighten the skin to create fullness. This surgery is less drastic than the reduction, and is done on an outpatient basis. Your surgery will be performed while you are under a general anesthetic.

    Before surgery, you and Dr. White will have discussed the various options for your breast lift or augmentation procedure. He will customize the surgery to suit your needs and your body.

  • Same day

    You will be closely monitored and cared for in our surgery center until you are ready to go home. You’ll need someone to drive you home and help you for the first 24 hours after your surgery. When you arrive home, it’s important to lie down and rest with pillows to support your back and arms. Make sure that your medications are within easy reach, and have ice packs available to place over your breasts if he instructs.

  • First week

    You should expect about 1-3 days of chest discomfort. Some bruising and swelling is normal and expected. Your breasts will settle into place in a few weeks and most patients are able to return to work in 5-7 days.

  • Six weeks

    You will need to continue to avoid strenuous exercise during this time while you are still healing. Dr. White will want to see you again for a follow-up to check on your progress.

  • 9-12 months

    You’ll look and feel great! Any swelling and bruising should be gone, and your scars will be healing nicely and easily concealed. You should be enjoying your new, perky breasts and all of the benefits they bring including fitting better into your bras, swimsuits and even being able to wear those cute, strapless dresses and tops without the worry of looking droopy and saggy.

  • Ask what you’d like to achieve with your surgery

    If you are considering this procedure, please schedule a time to come in for a consultation with Dr. White. Your initial exam and consultation will take an hour or more. In your consultation, Dr. White will:

  • Ask you about what you’d like to achieve with your surgery
  • Perform a quick but thorough examination
  • Let you know what he recommends and why
  • Make sure that any questions you have are answered

As part of the process, Dr. White will give you the opportunity to look at photographs of his former patients to view some of his earlier work so that you can see for yourself what to expect if he performs your Tummy Tuck. It is important that you and Dr. White agree on the the expected outcome of your surgery in order to obtain the best results. Call us today to schedule your consultation with top plastic surgeon, Dr. Steven White. He has earned a reputation as providing some of the best Tummy Tucks in Myrtle Beach & the Eastern Carolinas.

  • We’re here to work with you

    Your Abdominoplasty surgery is an out-patient procedure. After your consultation and examination at his office in Myrtle Beach, Dr. White will be able to estimate the length of time that you can expect your procedure to take. Dr. White will take his time to make sure that your results meet your expectations.

    Your surgery will be performed while you are under a general anesthetic. In abdominoplasty, an incision is usually made across the pubic area and around your navel. The shape and length of the incision will be determined by the amount of excess skin. Once the abdominal skin is lifted, the underlying weakened abdominal muscles are repaired. Another incision around the navel may be necessary to remove excess skin in the upper abdomen. To tighten the abdomen, Dr. White will bring the loose underlying tissue and muscle together with sutures, then the abdominal skin is drawn downward, and the excess is removed.

  • Same day

    You will be closely monitored and cared for in our surgery center until you are ready to go home. You’ll need someone to drive you home and help you for several days after your surgery. Make sure that your medications are within easy reach, and that you are following all of the doctors post-op care instructions. You may want to stay close by at a local hotel for a couple days.

  • Two weeks

    You may be able to stop taking pain medication 1-2 weeks after your surgery. You should also begin to be able to stand up straight in 1-2 weeks, and begin driving again after 2 weeks of recovery.

  • 4-6 weeks

    Most of the tugging and tight feeling should be gone within 4-6 weeks. Based on your progress, you should be able to resume most, if not all, of your pre-surgery activities.

  • 12-18 months

    You should notice the numbness improving and your scars begin to fade during this time.

  • Recovery Overview

    Since all abdominoplasties are unique, recovery times are different. The amount of dissection, the tightness of the closure, the need to tighten the muscles and to what degree will influence your post-op pain, sense of tightness, and recovery time. However, most patients should be able to resume most activities by 4-6 weeks and should be able to stand erect within a few days.

    Most tugging and tight feeling should be gone by the time you resume all activities within 4-6 weeks although an occasional twinge of pain is not uncommon even after a few months. This pain should usually not be severe or debilitating, but more of an annoyance.

  •  Ask what you’d like to achieve with your surgery

    If you are considering this procedure, please schedule a time to come in for a consultation with Dr. White. Your initial exam and consultation will take an hour or more. In your consultation, Dr. White will:

  • Ask you about what you’d like to achieve with your surgery
  • Perform a quick but thorough examination
  • Let you know what he recommends and why
  • Make sure that any questions you have are answered

As part of the process, Dr. White will give you the opportunity to look at photographs of his former patients to view some of his earlier work so that you can see for yourself what to expect if he performs your thigh lift or lower body lift. He will let you know what you can expect from thigh tuck. It is important that you and Dr. White agree on the the expected outcome of your surgery in order to obtain the best results. Call us today to schedule your consultation with top plastic surgeon, Dr. Steven White. He has earned a reputation as providing some of the best Thigh Lifts and Lower Body Lifts in Myrtle Beach & the Eastern Carolinas.

  • We’re here to work with you

    Your surgery depends on how many procedures are involved. Are you just having a Thigh Tuck, or are you having a complete Lower Body Tuck? Dr. White will provide details of your case during your consultation and prior to your surgery. After your consultation and examination at his office in Myrtle Beach, Dr. White will be able to estimate the length of time that you can expect your procedure to take.

    Dr. White will take his time to make sure that your results are beautiful and meet your expectations.

    Your surgery will be performed while you are under a general anesthetic.

  • Same day

    You will be closely monitored and cared for in our surgery center until you are ready to go home. You’ll need someone to drive you home and help you for several days after your surgery. Make sure that your medications are within easy reach, and that you are following all of the doctors post-op care instructions. You may want to stay close by at a local hotel for a couple days.

  • Two weeks

    You may be able to stop taking pain medication 1-2 weeks after your surgery. You should also begin to be able to stand up straight in 1-2 weeks, and begin driving again after 2 weeks of recovery.

  • 4-6 weeks

    Most of the tugging and tight feeling should be gone within 4-6 weeks. Based on your progress, you should be able to resume most, if not all, of your pre-surgery activities.

  • 12-18 months

    You should notice the numbness improving and your scars begin to fade during this time.

  • Recovery Overview

    Since all abdominoplasties are unique, recovery times are different. The amount of dissection, the tightness of the closure, the need to tighten the muscles and to what degree will influence your post-op pain, sense of tightness, and recovery time. However, most patients should be able to resume most activities by 4-6 weeks and should be able to stand erect within a few days.

    Most tugging and tight feeling should be gone by the time you resume all activities within 4-6 weeks although an occasional twinge of pain is not uncommon even after a few months. This pain should usually not be severe or debilitating, but more of an annoyance.

  •  Ask what you’d like to achieve with your surgery

    If you are considering this procedure, please schedule a time to come in for a consultation with Dr. White. Your initial exam and consultation will take an hour or more. In your consultation, Dr. White will:

  • Ask you about what you’d like to achieve with your surgery
  • Perform a quick but thorough examination
  • Let you know what he recommends and why
  • Make sure that any questions you have are answered
  • We’re here to work with you

    Your Liposuction procedure is an out-patient procedure. After your consultation and examination at his office in Myrtle Beach, Dr. White will be able to estimate the length of time that you can expect your procedure to take. Dr. White will take his time to make sure that your results are beautiful and meet your expectations.

    Your surgery will be performed while you are under sedation or general anesthetic. Prescription pain medications will be prescribed to help with any discomfort you experience.

  • Same day

    You will be closely monitored and cared for in our surgery center until you are ready to go home. You’ll need someone to drive you home and help you for the first 24 hours after your surgery. When you arrive home, it’s important to lie down and rest. Make sure that your medications are within easy reach, and follow all post-op instructions.

  • First week

    It is recommended that you take 3-7 days off from work to recover. The number of days depends on how invasive your lipo treatment was. If you are having a small amount of liposuction you may only need 2-3 days off of work. Quite a bit of swelling usually starts to go away at about 7-10 days after surgery and you will look good in clothes by this time. You may still feel sore for 10-14 days. It will take 14 weeks to achieve 90% of your results.

  •  Ask what you’d like to achieve with your surgery

    If you are considering this procedure, please schedule a time to come in for a consultation with Dr. White. Your initial exam and consultation will take an hour or more. In your consultation, Dr. White will:

  • Ask you about what you’d like to achieve with your surgery
  • Perform a quick but thorough examination
  • Let you know what he recommends and why
  • Make sure that any questions you have are answered

As part of the process, Dr. White will give you the opportunity to look at photographs of his former patients to view some of his earlier work so that you can see for yourself what to expect if he performs your Mommy Makeover. If breast implants are a part of your surgery package, he will also discuss with you the size and shape of the breast implants that you desire, and how your frame, height and other features affect your choices. He will also let you know what you can expect from your your surgery. It is important that you and Dr. White agree on the the expected outcome in order to obtain the best results. Call us today to schedule your consultation with top plastic surgeon, Dr. Steven White. He has earned a reputation as providing some of the best “Mommy Makeovers” in Myrtle Beach & the Eastern Carolinas.

  • We’re here to work with you

    Your Mommy Makeover surgical procedures are out-patient procedures. After your consultation and examination at his office in Myrtle Beach, Dr. White will be able to estimate the length of time that you can expect your procedure to take. Dr. White will take his time to make sure that your results are beautiful and meet your expectations.


Your surgery will be performed while you are under a general anesthetic or sedation and sometimes he will require you to stay close by to monitor your progress. We have several hotels close to the surgery facilities that we can recommend. Prescription pain medications will help with any discomfort you experience, and medical complications are usually rare.

  • Same day

    You will be closely monitored and cared for in our surgery center until you are ready to go home. You’ll need someone to drive you home and help you for the first 24 hours after your surgery. When you arrive home, it’s important to lie down and rest with pillows to support your back and arms. Make sure that your medications are within easy reach, and have ice packs available to place over your breasts if you are asked to do so. Be sure to wear the dressings and bandages for a Tummy Tuck surgery as instructed. You should follow all post-op care instructions as provided.

  • Timeline for Recovery

    Since a “Mommy Makeover” can vary from person to person, the recovery time will also vary. A typical surgery (breast procedure and tummy tuck) would involve at least one and maybe two weeks off of work. Heavy lifting and strenuous activity is to be avoided for approximately four to six weeks. Many women compare the recovery from a tummy tuck to that of a C-section, but agree that the C-section is more painful because it involves cutting the abdominal muscles and uterus.

  •  Ask what you’d like to achieve with your surgery

    If you are considering this procedure, please schedule a time to come in for a consultation with Dr. White. Your initial exam and consultation will take an hour or more. In your consultation, Dr. White will:

  • Ask you about what you’d like to achieve with your surgery
  • Perform a quick but thorough examination
  • Let you know what he recommends and why
  • Make sure that any questions you have are answered

As part of the process, Dr. White will give you the opportunity to look at photographs of his former patients to view some of his earlier work so that you can see for yourself what to expect if he performs your Eyelid Surgery. It is important that you and Dr. White agree on the the expected outcome of your surgery in order to obtain the best results. Call us today to schedule your consultation with top plastic surgeon, Dr. Steven White. He has earned a reputation as providing some of the best Upper and Lower Eyelid Lifts in Myrtle Beach & the Eastern Carolinas.

  • We’re here to work with you

    Your blepharoplasty surgery is an out-patient procedure. After your consultation and examination at his office in Myrtle Beach, Dr. White will be able to estimate the length of time that you can expect your procedure to take.

    Dr. White will take his time to make sure that your results meet your expectations.Your surgery will be performed while you are under sedation.

  • Same day

    You will be closely monitored and cared for in our surgery center until you are ready to go home. You’ll need someone to drive you home and help you for several days after your surgery. You will feel pretty good almost immediately. Eyelid surgery is really not a painful procedure and is often combined with laser resurfacing.

  • First Week

    Your stitches will be removed within 5-7 days of surgery. You can expect to still have slight bruising and some swelling that will continue to resolve. You can wear makeup to camouflage some of the bruising.

  • Two Weeks

    At two weeks most patients will look good enough to be in public without feeling self-conscious, even without makeup.

  • 4-6 Weeks

    You should be back to normal at this point and enjoying the full results of your blepharoplasty procedure.

  •  Ask what you’d like to achieve with your surgery

    If you are considering this procedure, please schedule a time to come in for a consultation with Dr. White. Your initial exam and consultation will take an hour or more. In your consultation, Dr. White will:

  • Ask you about what you’d like to achieve with your surgery
  • Perform a quick but thorough examination
  • Let you know what he recommends and why
  • Make sure that any questions you have are answered

As part of the process, Dr. White will give you the opportunity to look at photographs of his former patients to view some of his earlier work so that you can see for yourself what to expect if he performs your facelift surgery. He will let you know what you can expect from your face lift. It is important that you and Dr. White agree on the the expected outcome of your surgery in order to obtain the best results. Call us today to schedule your consultation with top plastic surgeon, Dr. Steven White. He has earned a reputation as providing some of the best face and neck lifts in Myrtle Beach & the Eastern Carolinas.

  • We’re here to work with you

    Your face lift surgery is an out-patient procedure. After your consultation and examination at his office in Myrtle Beach, Dr. White will be able to estimate the length of time that you can expect your procedure to take. Dr. White will take his time to make sure that your results are beautiful and meet your expectations.

    Your surgery will be performed while you are under a general anesthetic. Prescription pain medications will help with any discomfort you experience, and medical complications are usually rare. A laser is often used in conjunction with facelift surgery.

  • Same day

    You will be closely monitored and cared for in our surgery center until you are ready to go home. You’ll need someone to drive you home and help you for the first 24 hours after your surgery. When you arrive home, it’s important to lie down and rest. Make sure that your medications are within easy reach.

  • First Week

    You should be able to drive after 4-5 days if as long as you are no longer taking pain medications that affect your ability to drive safely. Any earlier and there will be safety issues because you may not turn your head as far to look for cars. Your recovery will involve some bruising that may travel down your neck, as well as swelling which increases some each day for the first 4 days after surgery. On the 5th day after your face lift surgery the swelling should begin to improve rapidly. By the 7th or 8th day after surgery makeup can be applied.

  • Two Weeks

    Your final suture is removed 7 to 9 days after surgery, depending on the technique used. You should allow yourself a minimum of 2 weeks before being around others if you don’t want anyone to notice something has been done. You can return to work but should continue to avoid any heavy lifting or straining. You may still have some very mild swelling and possible numbness around the suture areas that will resolve in the coming weeks. Complete healing is mostly done by 14 weeks but you will look very good at two weeks.

  •  Ask what you’d like to achieve with your surgery

    If you are considering this procedure, please schedule a time to come in for a consultation with Dr. White. Your initial exam and consultation will take an hour or more. In your consultation, Dr. White will:

  • Ask you about what you’d like to achieve with your surgery
  • Perform a quick but thorough examination
  • Let you know what he recommends and why
  • Make sure that any questions you have are answered

As part of the process, Dr. White will give you the opportunity to look at photographs of his former patients to view some of his earlier work so that you can see for yourself what to expect if he performs your cheek and chin implants. He will also discuss with you the size and shape of the facial implants that you desire, and how your facial features affect your choices. He will let you know what you can expect from your facial implant surgery. It is important that you and Dr. White agree on the the expected outcome of your surgery in order to obtain the best results. Call us today to schedule your consultation with top plastic surgeon, Dr. Steven White. He has earned a reputation as providing some of the best chin and cheek implants in Myrtle Beach & the Eastern Carolinas.

  • We’re here to work with you

    Your facial plastic surgery is an out-patient procedure. After your consultation and examination at his office in Myrtle Beach, Dr. White will be able to estimate the length of time that you can expect your procedure to take. Dr. White will take his time to make sure that your results are beautiful and meet your expectations.


Your surgery will be performed while you are under a general anesthetic. Prescription pain medications will help with any discomfort you experience, and medical complications are usually rare.

  • Same day

    You will be closely monitored and cared for in our surgery center until you are ready to go home. You’ll need someone to drive you home and help you for the first 24 hours after your surgery. When you arrive home, it’s important to lie down and rest with pillows to support your back and arms. Make sure that your medications are within easy reach and consider using ice packs to improve swelling.

  • Recovery Overview

    You will have mild bruising and swelling following your facial plastic surgery procedure. Ice packs can help control the swelling, and you should also use extra pillows to sleep with your head elevated. Since facial implants require incisions on the inside of your mouth, oral hygiene will be a very important part of your recovery until the incisions have healed. You will need to regularly use an antiseptic mouthwash and you will also be limited to soft foods for the first few days. After approximately seven days your incisions will be healed and the sutures will have dissolved.

  •  Ask what you’d like to achieve with your surgery

    If you are considering this procedure, please schedule a time to come in for a consultation with Dr. White. Your initial exam and consultation will take an hour or more. In your consultation, Dr. White will:

  • Ask you about what you’d like to achieve with your surgery
  • Perform a quick but thorough examination
  • Let you know what he recommends and why
  • Make sure that any questions you have are answered

As part of the process, Dr. White will give you the opportunity to look at photographs of his former patients to view some of his earlier work so that you can see for yourself what to expect if he performs your Rhinoplasty procedure. It is important that you and Dr. White agree on the the expected outcome of your surgery in order to obtain the best results. Call us today to schedule your consultation with top plastic surgeon, Dr. Steven White. He has earned a reputation as providing some of the best Nose Jobs in Myrtle Beach & the Eastern Carolinas.

  • We’re here to work with you

    Your rhinoplasty surgery is an out-patient procedure. After your consultation and examination at his office in Myrtle Beach, Dr. White will be able to estimate the length of time that you can expect your procedure to take. Dr. White will take his time to make sure that your results meet your expectations. Your surgery will be performed while you are under a general anesthetic.


The “downtime” following rhinoplasty is variable depending on what rhinoplasty techniques are used such as whether the surgery was performed open or closed, whether any work was performed on the tip of your nose, and whether the nasal bones were broken (osteotomies). Open rhinoplasty typically causes more swelling that takes longer to subside than closed rhinoplasty techniques. If the nose was surgically broken by performing osteotomies then there will usually be more swelling and bruising.

  • Same day

    You will be closely monitored and cared for in our surgery center until you are ready to go home. You’ll need someone to drive you home and help you for several days after your surgery. Make sure that your medications are within easy reach, and that you are following all of the doctors post-op care instructions. You may have a dull aching and headache afterwards for a short time. In the absence of an infection or other problem, severe pain is very uncommon.

  • First Week

    You may be able to stop taking pain medication within a week after your surgery. The most annoying symptom after rhinoplasty is congestion due to swelling. This is usually at its worst in the first few days after surgery and then starts to get better. The tapes and the protective splint need to stay on for at least 7 days. You should be able to return to work after about 7-10 days.

  • Two Weeks

    You will still have some swelling but most of the bruising should be gone. About 70% of the swelling will be gone, so you’ll be able to start appreciating some of the changes to your appearance. You should have no problem being out and about after the first few weeks.

  • 6-8 Weeks

    You should notice the numbness improving and about 80 to 85% of the swelling has gone down. Your nose should be very close to the final result, however it takes up to 12 months for all of the swelling and minor small changes to heal.